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Crystal Pet Love

Crystal Pet Love Pet Pendants

Crystal Pet Love Pet Pendants

Regular price $19.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.99 CAD
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We believe in the power of love, the power of healing and the power of respecting Mother Earth. We've always used the healing power of natural crystals to support the beloved pets in our lives, and now we bring that power to you. Crystals enhance the journey through life, including better health, emotional well-being and loving transitions. When healing crystals are introduced to pets, they provide pets with the positive energy flow they deserve as loving, sentient creatures.


• Description: A blood cleanser and cancer fighter, heals skin, helps digestion, dispels rage & anxiety. Amethyst is a powerful protector.

• Description: Increases intuition & communication, balances metabolism, boosts immune system, blocks radiation, cools fevers, and promotes trust.

 Green Aventurine
• Description: This heart chakra stone dissolves negative emotions, settles nausea, neutralizes electromagnetic pollution. A lovely all-around healing gem.



Description: Powerful metaphysical stone for deep energy clearing and joyful transformation.


Rose Quartz

• Description: Gemstone of universal love, harmony & comfort, aids chest, lung & kidney problems, helps heal leukemia.

• Description: Repels negativity, brings clarity, dissolves ancient traumas, clears confusion. A must for all creatures.

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