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Grand Cru Free Grain Fish Formula, 10kg

Grand Cru Free Grain Fish Formula, 10kg

Regular price $175.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $175.99 CAD
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Free grain

All ingredients are 100% approved for human consumption!

Unlike extruded products, CaniSource Grand Cru kibbles are the result of a unique low temperature dehydration process that preserves the vast majority of original nutrients. 100% of our ingredients are approved for human consumption and we never use slaughterhouse rejects or by-products, meat meal or fishmeal.



Fresh fish

Main ingredient in our formula, fresh fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

Grand Cru Fish Formula combines fatty acids found in a variety of fish to help canine digestion, facilitate the absorption of the vitamins and minerals, and maintain a healthy reproductive system in dogs. We buy human grade fish caught in North Atlantic waters. Our fish is also cold chain compliant to prevent bacterial contamination in transport.



Recognized for their high nutritional value, seaweeds add a nice marine flavour

We use low iodine content seaweeds as they are a natural source of vitamins and supply minerals that are critical to your dog's health. Seaweeds also contain antioxidant compounds, such as carotenoids, and an interesting quantity of fibres.


Fresh carrots

Carrots owe their orange colour to a high beta-carotene and alpha-carotene content

Carrots will provide your dog with a significant dose of vitamin A, as well as B vitamins, vitamin K, some vitamin C and minerals. Our Grand Cru Fish Formula is comprised of fresh whole fruits and vegetables only, to preserve all flavours and nutrients, and provide your canine companion with the protection of antioxidants.



Chick peas provide your dog with highly digestible plant proteins

Chickpeas help diversify protein sources, provide fibers, minerals and vitamins, while remaining low in lipids content. They are also rich in lysine, an amino acid absent from cereals.



An archetypal healthy food choice, cranberries overflow with nutrients

For you as well as your dog, cranberries are among the champions of antioxidants, second to blueberries only. They help prevent or mitigate urinary tract infections, are a good source of vitamin C, and add a pleasantly tangy taste to our recipe.


Fresh apples

There is no doubt that your dog will appreciate the tangy taste of fresh apples as well as their sweet flavour

Carbohydrates and organic acids are responsible for the excellent, sweet and sour, taste of apples. Our Grand Cru Fish Formula uses whole apples to provide a maximum of dietary fibre, vitamin C, beta-carotene, minerals and antioxidants.

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